Dhukuria, P.O. - New Champta
Dagapur, Siliguri
98000-16008, 95640-11000

Rock Fest 2019

This event has always been a hugely positive experience for both the students and the school community. It aims to foster skill development in music and provide students with a real life "live performance" opportunity, as well as the chance to see other student bands play too.

G.D. Goenka Public School Siliguri

G.D. Goenka Public School Siliguri

Dhukuria, P.O. - New Champta, Dagapur Siliguri - 734009

Mob : 98000-16008, 95640-11000

Landline : 0353-2574679 / 80 / 81

Email ID : info@gdgoenkaschool.in

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