A bit of a parent, a bit of a teacher and lots of a friend...that's what Grandparents are made of! These, very revered and cherished members of our family, find the light in the golden days of their lives, to illuminate ours. Grandparents' Day is a unique event in the Goenkan calendar where we use the opportunity to let the elders of our family know how their presence enrich and elevate our lives. Our Grandparents are our windows to our past and our inspiration to the future.
The Montessori Graduation Ceremony marks the end of the first three years of the learning and cognitive process in a child's life. The initial years of schooling are of paramount importance and it accounts for much of the child's retentive, comprehending and analysis skills in the future.
This momentous step in the young Goenkan is marked with a special ceremony where in the handing over of the graduating degree clad in 'cap and gown' we try to express that the child, reinforced with the system of participatory learning, is ready to face the world with its wonders, mysteries and questions and in turn be quipped not only to ask questions of his own but also question the answer.
A bit of a parent, a bit of a teacher and lots of a friend...that's what Grandparents are made of! These, very revered and cherished members of our family, find the light in the golden days of their lives, to illuminate ours. Grandparents' Day is a unique event in the Goenkan calendar where we use the opportunity to let the elders of our family know how their presence enrich and elevate our lives. Our Grandparents are our windows to our past and our inspiration to the future.
The individual is doubtlessly important in GDGPS, but then when the quest is on to define the individual it inevitably and unconsciously leads to the strengthing of the Goenkan Community. It is perhaps one of the most perfect and desirable of contradictions that individualism does not make the Goenkan self-centered, rather it persists upon each to become a better version of himself or herself and to reach out to others that hold the Goenkan name: Peers, Fellow Students, Parents, Teachers and Support Staff to create the circle of the Goenkan Community. Whether it be on ear-marked days like the Goenkan Maha Utsav or just another day at work, we are proud of this Community: one that is galvanized by the singularity in their belief and the commonality of their purpose. A community that believes that strength lies in togetherness and short-comings are attenuated by counsel and collective action.
A reminder that at times we need to let our hair down and discover the unsophisticated joys of life, the Fun Fair is a sojourn that both the young and the adult enjoy. The carnival comes to our grounds on Children's Day Celebration, complete with joy-rides and game stalls, besides the delectable bites. The atmosphere is regaled with a spirit of pure recreation as children bask in the indulgence of being unfettered and the older discover that the child in them is yet alive.
We learn as Goenkans, that at times we must reach beyond ourselves to a greater cause and that is the cause of our Nation. To reciprocate the gift of freedom and the chance to live with self-respect we owe a service of loyalty and selflessness to this great Nation of ours; and this service must be apparent not only on special events or days but on every other day in between, remembered even as we breathe in the air of liberty.
We learn as Goenkans, that at times we must reach beyond ourselves to a greater cause and that is the cause of our Nation. To reciprocate the gift of freedom and the chance to live with self-respect we owe a service of loyalty and selflessness to this great Nation of ours; and this service must be apparent not only on special events or days but on every other day in between, remembered even as we breathe in the air of liberty.
If one were to look back into that most defining moments of one's life, it has mostly to do with a mentor or a guide: someone who taught one to reach for the stars and put the wind beneath our wings. That special mentor...that teacher is the person whom we remember on Teachers' Day, a day which is also the birth anniversary of Dr Radhakrishnan, former President and teacher exemplar.
There is also another thing when it comes to us Goenkans ...that we remember revere our Teachers not only on a special day but every single day. We remember them as those who made us believe in ourselves and showed us how we could reach beyond ourselves and be the best we could ever be.
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