Dhukuria, P.O. - New Champta
Dagapur, Siliguri
98000-16008, 95640-11000



The  Annual Day and Montessori Graduation Ceremony of the Pre Primary section of GDGPSS was held on 5th March, 2023. The show embraced the theme, “NIRBHIKTA” derived from our school prayer ‘Where the mind is without fear” written by Gurudev Rabindranath. It has been the school's endeavour to teach fearlessness to our students and create a learning environment conducive to  fearlessness learning. The performances on stage unveiled the theme and conveyed the message of FEARLESSNESS, where one could see how well Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences came alive. Gardener believed there are eight intelligences to be nurtured and developed in all children: bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, naturalist, and spatial. We could see a galore of programs tapping various intelligences of the children. The Annual Day was truly a celebration of learning and fearlessness where children confidently enthralled the audience by exhibiting their talent through their performances. 

The Nursery children performed on all the rhymes that they had learnt in class throughout the year. LKG children paid ode to our brave hearts, the Indian Army. A group of UKG children presented  choir 'Asathoma Sadgamaya' praying to God to lead us from ignorance to knowledge, from darkness to light and from death to immortality and thus they filled the atmosphere with serenity. A 2nd group of UKG children showcased the dance form of ballet and created a mesmerizing environment with their fairy like costumes. STD I depicted the Wonders of Science through a dance drama. They exhibited all the experiments that they had learnt throughout the year. STD II paid tribute to the legendary poet, playwright, performer, musician, essayist, philosopher, and one of the finest storytellers Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore through a collage of his songs sang by the school choir and the dance drama 'Rituranga: Symphony of Seasons". The performances created an ambience of serenity and enthralled the audience. Each program was carefully curated to showcase how well the School integrates theory of the Multiple Intelligence in the curriculum. The show ended with STD I putting up a spectacular dance drama ‘Ramayana’ where they depicted the victory of good over evil.

It was also a celebration of learning where STD I children were felicitated at the Montessori Graduation Ceremony which is an extremely important milestone in the educational journey of a Goenkan.The occasion marks a watershed moment: the completion of the first stage of learning of our young scholars.

The Annual Day celebrated different ways to be smart based on theories by Dr. Howard Gardner. We believe every child is unique and has potential to do great things. Mentors ensured 100 % participation and every child got an opportunity to showcase his/her talent. Children, who are good at music or athletics, do not get much attention as the kids who are good at math or language under our traditional system. Hence the school organises many such events where every child can showcase his or her talent. The Annual Day was truly an amalgamation of all the intelligences which created a soulful symphony.


G.D. Goenka Public School Siliguri

G.D. Goenka Public School Siliguri

Dhukuria, P.O. - New Champta, Dagapur Siliguri - 734009

Mob : 98000-16008, 95640-11000

Landline : 0353-2574679 / 80 / 81

Email ID : info@gdgoenkaschool.in

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