Dhukuria, P.O. - New Champta
Dagapur, Siliguri
98000-16008, 95640-11000

Grand Parents Day Celebration 2019

A bit of a parent, a bit of a teacher and lots of a friend...that's what Grandparents are made of! These, very revered and cherished members of our family, find the light in the golden days of their lives, to illuminate ours. Grandparents' Day is a unique event in the Goenkan calendar where we use the opportunity to let the elders of our family know how their presence enrich and elevate our lives. Our Grandparents are our windows to our past and our inspiration to the future.

G.D. Goenka Public School Siliguri

G.D. Goenka Public School Siliguri

Dhukuria, P.O. - New Champta, Dagapur Siliguri - 734009

Mob : 98000-16008, 95640-11000

Landline : 0353-2574679 / 80 / 81

Email ID : info@gdgoenkaschool.in

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