Dhukuria, P.O. - New Champta
Dagapur, Siliguri
98000-16008, 95640-11000

Blessings Day Ceremony 2020

In an environment made alive with mixed emotions of hope, excitement, nostalgia and anticipation, the Blessings Ceremony invokes the Grace of the Almighty upon our examinees at the Std-X Board Examinations. Something that has become another inalienable part of the Goenkan Culture through the years, the Ceremony entails the traditional passing of the flame which is a metaphor for the perpetuation of the Goenkan spirit.

G.D. Goenka Public School Siliguri

G.D. Goenka Public School Siliguri

Dhukuria, P.O. - New Champta, Dagapur Siliguri - 734009

Mob : 98000-16008, 95640-11000

Landline : 0353-2574679 / 80 / 81

Email ID : info@gdgoenkaschool.in

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